*This function is available to those who subscribe to Autonomous plan($29.99 per month)
You can delete your account from "My Account" by logging in and selecting the "Delete Account" button from the account menu.
1. Open Delete Me> Installation Instructions
2. On the Installation Instructions page, copy the code for the unsubscribe button installation, including the ‘HTML/Liquid code snippet’ and the ‘JavaScript code snippet. The settings_schema.json code snippet is installed automatically.
3. Shopify admin panel> 'Sales Channels'> 'Themes'> click "..." > 'Customize'> 'Edit Code'> and find the file named "customers/account.liquid."
Paste the code snippets copied in step 2 into the "customers/account.liquid" file at any location.
4. The settings_schema.json
code displays messages to your customers in case of errors when they delete their accounts themselves. You can add and edit these messages to your preference. To make changes, navigate to 'Sales Channels' > 'Themes' > 'Customize.'
On the top left side of the screen, click on the three dots '...' and then select the 'Customize Theme' button.
Next, click on the 'gear' icon on the top left side of the screen and select 'Delete Me'.
In this configuration screen, you can customize various error alerts. For example, if a customer with an active subscription attempts to delete their account, you can edit the redirect URL used to finalize the deletion or modify the confirmation message.
Changes made to the fields on this page will be saved automatically.
5. The steps described above will complete the installation of the delete button.
Eg; the alert displayed when clicking on the delete button:
Eg; the alert displayed when the customer is successfully deleted.
Eg; the alert displayed when you are not subscribed to the paid plan (Autonomous Plan) and a customer tries to delete their account, or when an error occurs during the account deletion process.
【Other Themes】
Open Delete Me> Installation Introductions>select the theme
Please follow the instruction video.